Written by Sarah Ruhl, directed by Tina Taylor

May 28th – June 19th, 2022

Tickets available here!

Read Lily Janiak’s article in the San Francisco Chronicle HERE!

Read Lynne Stevens’ review in Theatrius HERE!

MELANCHOLY PLAY is a contemporary farce that is the perfect antidote to the past two years. Melancholy in this play is not subdued or static, but vibrant, sexy, and exuberant. Emotions are worn on sleeves, big feelings are felt, scenes hurtle by like swirling almond flowers, and with live music by cellist Ben Davis, the ensemble immerses the audience in a world of quirky and delightful magical realism.

Theatre Lunatico was originally slated to perform Melancholy Play in the spring of 2020, and of course had to postpone the opening more than once!

Returning to the play post-pandemic the script, as is often the case with theatre, takes on a whole new meaning. When Frances loses her sense of taste and smell, something absurd in 2019 becomes something ominous in 2022. When she then disappears and turns into an almond, the entire subplot becomes a metaphor for the enormous sense of loss that we have all grappled with in one form or another over the past two years. 

So the play becomes both an antidote through its joy, and a catharsis through its sorrow–melancholic indeed!


Jason Berner, Ben Davis, Eileen Fisher, Sakura Nakahara, Shawn Oda, and Omar Osoria

Creative Team:
Director: Tina Taylor
Stage Manager, Producer, Costume Designer: Zoe Taylor-Wolland

Production Assistant & Board Operator:  Michelle Zhao
Cello Compositions:  Ben Davis
Vocal Compositions:  Laura Alderdice
Fight Choreography:  Kristen Matia
Scenic Design:  Malcolm Rodgers
Set Construction:  Eugene de Christopher
Lighting Design:  Rob Bradshaw

Presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., a Concord Theatrical Company